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Aqua Vitae All in One 500ml- Shrimp safe (free shipping)

Aqua Vitae All in One 500ml- Shrimp safe (free shipping)

Regular price $14.99 CAD
Regular price $14.99 CAD Sale price $14.99 CAD
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The PlantGuy's Aqua Vitae All-In-One Fertilizer is a highly concentrated liquid fertlizer.  Most commercial fertilizers in pet stores are watered down overpriced products.  Our all in one combines the macros and micros together.  Many other commercial fertilizer producers sell a bottle for each nutrient.  N, P, K, Micros.  This one package replaces all of those. If you do want them separately we have that option in our store as well (for a fraction of the cost you will pay at your LFS).

A note on Shrimp safe:

 Certain products are advertised online as being "shrimp safe".  This is not false advertising however it insinuates that all other products that aren't labeled as such must not be shrimp safe.  As a result of this clever marketing strategy i receive multiple emails a week asking me if my product is shrimp in order to save myself time and unnecessary confusion for the customer  , i am now advertising my product as shrimp safe.  The reality is that most if not all fertilizers are safe for shrimp .  The danger for shrimp is the level of copper in the micronutrient.  Copper is essential for shrimp but at very high levels it becomes toxic (to other inhabitants as well).  A number that seems to appear quite often when doing research on the toxicity of copper to shrimp and fish  is

  • shrimps is 0.03 mg/l (mg per litre).
  • algae and bacteria is 0.08 mg/l.
  • some fish, snails, and plants are 0.10 mg/l.

Our high tech version actually uses less micronutrient than our low tech version and leans more on the iron (Fe) as a result has a lower copper content.  Here are the copper content of our fertilizers.  If you still feel uncomfortable using our product then please use a copper free "shrimp safe" product.

High tech- 0.001093664 mg/L

Low tech- 0.002187328 mg/L


You will receive 1x All-In-One packs. Put one  into a bottle.  Mix with 500ml distilled or RO water.  Mixture can take up to a day to completely dissolve.  Keep out of direct sunlight.


Dose 2ml per 10 gallons of water 3 times a week.  Adjust dosage as needed



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